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OpenCV4Android sample: "Type 'DetectionBasedTracker' could not be resolved"

asked 2012-09-29 09:11:31 -0600

ddd gravatar image

updated 2012-10-01 08:37:07 -0600

Hi guys... I've tried the solution posted here, but I still get the above error that the std symbol isn't found. Also "Type 'DetectionBasedTracker' could not be resolved". Building the .so works. As long as I don't open anything in 'jni'

my paths & symbols are:


I have ndk-r8 (also tried with r7) and I also have tried to use "android-9" or "/gnu-libstdc++/4.4.3" eclipse indigo

any suggestions? thx in advance

EDIT: i have now installed a fresh version of eclipse (since i wasn't able to remove cdt completely) - the JUNO 32bit Version JavaEE and reinstalled ADT and CDT. I changed to MinGW GCC Toolchain and included the above Includes.

NOW it resolves the std but the Type 'DetectionBasedTracker' could not be resolved" is still there.. What to do?

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2 answers

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answered 2012-10-01 15:50:45 -0600

ddd gravatar image

i changed smthg in the detection_based_tracker file .. the compiler i use seems to have problems with the pragma once

//#pragma once
//#if defined(__linux__) || defined(LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID)


after i had renewed the index with the modified file the symbol could be resolved.

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answered 2013-10-10 04:28:21 -0600

Try defining symbol ANDROID=1

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Asked: 2012-09-29 09:11:31 -0600

Seen: 2,626 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '13