Fully manual web-cam?
For a small project, we are looking for a medium-quality web-cam that it could be used in a fully manual. We should be able to take over exposure time, gain, white-balance and other properties using openCV. Having tried out about a half-dozen web-cams, we are not yet able to identify one.
Any experience, suggestions would be appreciated.
Hello, didn't get your question. Please explain what exactly you want?
hi @Shivam ;) if i understand the post correctly, he's asking for a recommendation, what to buy.
cv is a total pita, if you can't disable/control things like whitebalance or autofocus from the actual program.
Indeed, I am looking for recommendations to buy. Since this is for a scientific measurement, we would like to be able to control whitebalance, autofocus etc.
btw, apart from the usual capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_*) things, with a bit of luck, you can access the driver page and set things there :