stabilize image sequence
I want to stabilize an uncompressed image sequence, can I use videostab module to do this without convert the sequence to video? or there are other ways to stabilize image sequence?
I want to stabilize an uncompressed image sequence, can I use videostab module to do this without convert the sequence to video? or there are other ways to stabilize image sequence?
I am doing this using an image sequence instead of a VideoCapture or VideoFileSource. Basically, I created a derived ImagesSource class from IFrameSource (frame_source.hpp) and replace VideoFileSource with ImagesSource in videostab.cpp.
My derived ImagesSource class simply has the nextFrame() function read the next image file from a directory and the reset() which restart at the beginning of your image list again.
Simple solution: instead of feeding the original folder path folder_path/
, try folder_path/image_%04d.jpg
(change it to the format of the images in the folder)
Asked: 2014-01-21 22:07:59 -0600
Seen: 792 times
Last updated: Apr 13 '16
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As far as I know, the videostab module takes indeed video input but processes this frame by frame. Are you doing this by supplying a VideoCapture object? That object allows you to read in image sequence, so just try if it works with that.
filename – name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg. img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)