plot some points as a trajectory of tracking from video / c++ [closed]
I have a vector of pair-value which contains the coordinates of some points.
I want to plot them with different colors in real-time.
this "cvPoint function"value in Opencv does not accept any vector as an input for plotting.
should I find another library to plot them?
you can plot lines, circles, rects,text,etc
I am newbie, the Coordinates vector contains pair-value. how do i give this vector as an input to the cvPoint..
why not use cv::Point instead of your pairs there in the 1st place ?
int x=Coordinates[i].second;
int y=Coordinates[i].first;
circle( img, Point p(x,y), 3, Scalar(255,0,0));
Thanks a lot that you are trying to help me. the point is that I do not want to draw any circle or line or.... I just want to have a small dot(with a certain color) on each point. is there any other function which I can use instead of circle?
-1 for thickness will make a filled circle (a dot)