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What factors effect image matching in Remote desktop setup

asked 2020-11-10 02:45:14 -0600

I have a process where I am matching one template image in the main image and its running correct , but when i run the same process on a remote desktop the image matching is not happening , the maxVal is coming less in the later case.

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answered 2020-11-12 07:28:47 -0600

crackwitz gravatar image

compression. if you expect perfect numbers, compression has to be lossless. remote desktop programs commonly use lossy compression. you have to be able to deal with non-perfect matches.

also maybe the remote image is displayed scaled down. you also have to make sure you get the same scale your template is from.

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Asked: 2020-11-10 02:45:14 -0600

Seen: 187 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '20