Read video from usb/onboard camera using cv::cudacodec::VideoReader
Hi, How can we read video from an onboard/usb camera using opencv cv::cudacodec::VideoReader
For this to work you would need to be able to read from the onboard/usb camera using VideoCapture with FFmpeg. That is the following would need to work on your system
VideoCapture cap(0, CAP_FFMPEG);
on my laptop this fails with the inbuilt web cam.
The reason this needs to work is that cv::cudacodec
uses FFmpeg to read video streams which don't come from files.
Out of interest what codec is the video encoded with?
Hello, The main reason for this question is that our OpenCV application we are already getting around 15 FPS with UVUV, but the camera supports 30 FPS with MJPEG. We are trying to make use of it.
There are two ways we think, 1. Using hardware video decoder 2.Using graphics card to decode frames.
Asked: 2020-11-03 06:40:05 -0600
Seen: 737 times
Last updated: Nov 03 '20
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