HoughCircles call ignores radius parameters (C++; OpenCV 2.4.13)
I am having trouble getting a seemingly trivial piece of code to work with OpenCV 2.3-2.4 set of libraries. It works fine with OpenCV 4.x.
It seem that cv::HoughCircles(...) completely ignores minimum radius parameters. I get a vector of circles back (vector<vec3f>) of an enormous size (like 18446743965337911194!) and when I try to print any of the elements I mostly get circles of radius 0 or even negative radius. I am probably missing something simple, but I've already unsuccessfully tried a number of approaches to isolate my issue: played with other input parameters, even passed a completely black image so I would not be able to find any circles. Nothing seems to change the output.
unfortunately, the 2.x opencv versions are no more maintained
Thank you. I would not be touching it either, but I am trying to match legacy code output. And because I am getting such outrageous result, it makes me think that I must be missing something.