Detect faces with facemask (COVID) [closed]
Hi. I'm actually detext faces using "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" and "haarcascade_eye.xml" Now, I need detext faces or eyes when a person has a facemask for COVID protection. I'm working with C# or VB.NET. How can I generate an XML for detext this?
Thanks in advance.
i think you need a more modern method like
you're bad at logic, it seems ;(
cascade classifiers are binary, you can train a detector for faces(or NO face), or one for "faces with masks" (or NO face), but you cannot train one that detects faces AND distinguishes between mask or no-mask at the same time.
you will need a multi-class detector for this, maybe a cnn like SSD or YOLO
anyway you need some serious own research on this, not "asking around"
we also cannot help you with at all, let me close this question.