GrabCut: What is PR
Hello, In the GrabCut program:
"\tCTRL+right mouse button - set GC_PR_BGD pixels\n"
"\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set GC_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl;
What is PR? }
Hello, In the GrabCut program:
"\tCTRL+right mouse button - set GC_PR_BGD pixels\n"
"\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set GC_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl;
What is PR? }
GC_PR_BGD = GrabCut PRobably BackGround
GC_PR_FGD = GradCut_PRobably ForeGround
When using masks you can have all 4: certain background, certain foreground, probably background and propably foreground.
Asked: 2020-08-30 16:30:01 -0600
Seen: 300 times
Last updated: Sep 03 '20
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please format your code
see the documentation
It may also be passed as a scalar or numerically.