I really wanted to help

asked 2013-10-31 07:36:39 -0600

Onan Farabi gravatar image

updated 2013-10-31 07:41:18 -0600

I'I've been using OpenCV since long time ago, since OpenCV still on early stage, it was version 1xx of Im not mistaken. At that time, OpenCV was very amazing. I am really wanted to help on any way I could, because we share the same interested. So here it is my attempt to help OpenCV. Im making a function to detect a contour using my assembler and count how many object detected. It was a success for a simple object, but since it had a heavy usage of CPU usage when lots of pixels on screen, I really need suggestion on this function improvement. So here is how it work. First, it detect the different between 2 frame on a camera so we can detect which part of the frame is changing, the changing part, we can safely assume, it was a moving part on the screen, but since it cause heavy usage of CPU usage when using my contour detector, I skip that part and put a simple object like rectangle and a few polygon object and try to count how many object appears on screen. How does it work is simple, it remember all of the pixels considered as edge and check for each pixel for the closest one. After it checked for the closest one, it giving sign on the memory if that was already remembered and trace the pixels to follow the track. If the distance between pixels is more than 1 pixels, the softwar assume if that was the end of the edge of an object and mark it as objectx where x is 1..9999. The problem using this technique is how slow it was to compare pixel each pixel to determine its range. I really need suggestion on this for improvement.

Here is the link for the project. Im using RadAsm, MASM, JWAsm and Donkeys Graphics Library. I building it from scratch. If you found difficulty to setup the environtment, I can be contacted on MASM Forum or you can ask it in there as a general topic, because that forum was not mine. It was maintained by Hutch, creator of the famous Microsoft Macro Assembler.

https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/s/15B6828A336C493DAD9B4CE410A61B81Y Edit: Press "C" to Trigger the contour detect function.

I can be contacted at farabionan at yahoo dot com. Thanks.

Onan Farabi, Hobyist Programmer.

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I forget to mentioned. Press "C" to trigger the Contour detect function.

Onan Farabi gravatar imageOnan Farabi ( 2013-10-31 07:40:35 -0600 )edit