Fundamental matrix and epipolar lines from known camera parameters

asked 2020-08-19 02:25:23 -0600

I want to visualize epipolar lines in a given 3-D scene with two cameras. I have code that works when the two cameras are only offset along the X axis. If the cameras are offset along the Y or Z axis or if they are rotated in any way, the epipolar lines are very far off. I assume that this is because I am missing a conversion of units and that the special case with only an offset in the X direction works because the epipolar lines are horizontal, i.e., they have a slope of 0, regardless of a conversion.

My starting point are two Viz3d instances where the cameras are offset relative to one another, e.g., by 0.1 units. I compute the essential matrix from their rotation and translation (extrinsic camera parameters) using the sfm module like this:

  const auto left_camera_pose = left_visualization.getViewerPose();
  const auto right_camera_pose = right_visualization.getViewerPose();
  Mat essential_matrix;
  essentialFromRt(left_camera_pose.rotation(), left_camera_pose.translation(), right_camera_pose.rotation(), right_camera_pose.translation(), essential_matrix);

From the essential matrix I compute the fundamental matrix using the two cameras' intrisic camera parameters like this:

  const auto left_camera = left_visualization.getCamera();
  const auto left_camera_matrix = GetIntrinsicCameraMatrix(left_camera);
  const auto right_camera = right_visualization.getCamera();
  const auto right_camera_matrix = GetIntrinsicCameraMatrix(right_camera);
  Mat fundamental_matrix;
  fundamentalFromEssential(essential_matrix, left_camera_matrix, right_camera_matrix, fundamental_matrix);

The intrinsic camera parameters I construct from the cameras' focal lengths and principal point coordinates like this:

static Matx33d GetIntrinsicCameraMatrix(const Camera &camera)
  const auto focal_length = camera.getFocalLength();
  const auto principal_point = camera.getPrincipalPoint();
  const Matx33d intrinsics(focal_length[0], 0, principal_point[0], 0, focal_length[1], principal_point[1], 0, 0, 1);
  return intrinsics;

With the fundamental matrix and a given point in the left camera image, I compute the epipolar line parameters using computeCorrespondEpilines (The full source code of is available here with some additional documentation here) . When both cameras are only offset in the X direction, the result appears to be correct when visualized, but it is totally off when offsetting the cameras in the Y or Z direction or when rotating them with respect to each other.

As stated above, I think that this is related to the units of the matrices and that one or multiple conversions is/are required. Unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation in the viz or sfm modules which state whether world coordinates, relative coordinates or any other types of coordinates are used by the individual functions. I already tried normalizeFundamental from the sfm module, but, although it does change the fundamental matrix, it does not make the result look any more plausible.

Am I missing any conversion here? Is there any documentation about the units of the respective input and output matrices of the functions above so that I can build some custom conversion functions? Any hint is appreciated.

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if doesn't say, your best bet is to read the source code. hopefully it's not too optimized/obfuscated. apart from that, for the "multi view geometry" math, there's a well known book by that name.

crackwitz gravatar imagecrackwitz ( 2020-08-22 17:03:59 -0600 )edit