how to stream the video capture from WebRTC in VLC or PYTHON OPENCV
i used Wowza Streaming Engine for stream the camera of my drone using RTMP protocol , and i Convert RTMP to WebRTC With Wowza Streaming Engine (with UDP protocol ) to reduce the Latency , this step work perfectly ,you can see it in this Image
Now i want to show this screen video of WebRTC with python language using opencv
please tel me how can be show it with cap = cv2.VideoCapture
opencv does not deal with webrtc (you have to look out for another library)
on the other hand, there is support for RTMP, so why this Wowza indirection ?
There is link for tutorial for WebRTC = Tensofflow
@berak. Can you reopen debate.?
^^ no problem.
(even if i still think, it's off topic)Thank you, fella.