LNK1104 opencv_gapi440d.lib is missing
Hi everyone, I have the following problem: I want to use the example "Feature Matching with FLANN". Unfortunately I get the error message in Visual Studio 2017:
LNK1104 ...\opencv\build\lib\Debug\opencv_gabi440d.lib cannot be opened.
The folder structure "...\lib\Debug..." is not existing in my system. The file opencv_gabi440d.lib is also not existing
I use the opencv version 4.4.0 and the repository "opencv_contrib" (29.07.2020)
simple typo in your vcproj ? it's really called
)(you also would never need it for the mentioned tutorial, you can just erase it from the library list for this project)
and it's probably
well, someone must have made those entries in your project, and that was probably you, no ? ;)