CUDA headers still appear even if -DWithCUDA=OFF ?
- OpenCV => 3.4.11
- Operating System / Platform => OSX 10.15.4
I am wondering whether cuda related functionalities are useful for using opencv in ios projects and I suspect not. When compiling with
python opencv/platforms/ios/ ios \
--without gpu --without contrib --without dnn --without highgui \
--without legacy --without ml --without nonfree --without objdetect \
--without photo --without stitching --without video --without videoio \
--without videostab --without flann --without dnn --without calib3d \
--without features2d --without gapi --without java_bindings_generator \
--without imgcodecs --iphoneos_archs=arm64 --dynamic \
--without world --disable-bitcode
I can still see cuda related headers are included in the output. Cuda related headers still appear even if I manually added -DWITH_CUDA=OFF
in opencv/platforms/ios/