Complex conjugate
Is there no function to get a complex conjugate of a Mat? It's rather easy to implement myself but is it such a rare problem?
Is there no function to get a complex conjugate of a Mat? It's rather easy to implement myself but is it such a rare problem?
please give
cv::Mat_<std::complex<int>> mat;
a try.
using CP = std::complex<int>;
cv::Mat_<CP> mat(2, 2);<CP>(0, 0) = CP(3, 5);<CP>(0, 1) = CP(3, 6);<CP>(1, 0) = CP(3, 7);<CP>(1, 1) = CP(3, 8);
std::cout<<mat<<std::endl;<CP>(0, 0) = std::conj(<CP>(0, 0));
//Make all of the mat become conjugate
OCV::for_each_channels<CP>(mat, [](CP &a)
a = std::conj(a);
} );
implementation of for each
*@brief apply stl like for_each algorithm on a channel
* @param T : the type of the channel(ex, uchar, float, double and so on)
* @param func : Unary function that accepts an element in the range as argument
*@return :
* return func
template<typename T, typename UnaryFunc, typename Mat>
UnaryFunc for_each_channels(Mat &&input, UnaryFunc func)
int rows = input.rows;
int cols = input.cols;
cols = * input.channels();
rows = 1;
for(int row = 0; row != rows; ++row){
auto begin = input.template ptr<T>(row);
auto end = begin + cols;
while(begin != end){
return func;
std::complex support many operations, you could use the generic for_each loop to implement your codes
template<typename T>
inline void conj_mat(cv::Mat_<std::complex<T>> &mat)
for_each_channels<std::complex<T>>(mat, [](std::complex<T> &a){ a = std::conj(a); });
If you need more speed, take a look on this post.
Everything are easy to fall back to c++98, 03 except of rvalue reference.I use rvalue reference because it could accept const& and & cv::Mat.Without &&, I have to do some overloading on the function(write two times), or wrap the cv::Mat by something like std::ref(boost::ref), std::cref(boost::cref).c++11 do make c++ become easier to write and learn.
Seems like OpenCV only supports one usage of complex conjugates, though the most common one: calculation of correlation in the frequency space. See mulSpectrums, the conjB
Asked: 2013-10-29 09:41:06 -0600
Seen: 4,063 times
Last updated: Nov 01 '13
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