warning: field of class type without a DLL interface used in a class with a DLL interface

asked 2020-07-01 09:35:11 -0600

bkkuan gravatar image

I have this error message warning: field of class type without a DLL interface used in a class with a DLL interface I have installed CUDA and tested it out on my laptop already. Why is opencv generating such warning? How to fix this?

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where and how exactly do you get that error ?

can you give us more "context", please ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-07-01 09:52:49 -0600 )edit

When building ALL_BUILD in Visual Studio 2017. I added in WITH_CUDA Option

bkkuan gravatar imagebkkuan ( 2020-07-01 10:13:48 -0600 )edit

opencv version ? exact error msg & context ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-07-02 03:27:44 -0600 )edit

I have ignored this warning without any problems for years. See this post from 2016.

cudawarped gravatar imagecudawarped ( 2020-07-02 10:18:02 -0600 )edit

theres no error, but the thing is i need to use cuda because i am installing opencv for use of darknet to train model. I need to use cuda to train

bkkuan gravatar imagebkkuan ( 2020-07-02 23:58:08 -0600 )edit

opencv version is 4.2.0. exact error :warning: field of class type without a DLL interface used in a class with a DLL interface

bkkuan gravatar imagebkkuan ( 2020-07-02 23:59:08 -0600 )edit

i rebuilt it again and get the same error again.The build is successful but the thing is my cuda cant be used. not connected to my opencv.

bkkuan gravatar imagebkkuan ( 2020-07-03 00:10:53 -0600 )edit

the full error is D:/OpenCV/opencv-4.2.0/modules/core/include\opencv2/core/cuda.hpp(723): warning : field of class type without a DLL interface used in a class with a DLL interface

bkkuan gravatar imagebkkuan ( 2020-07-03 00:15:03 -0600 )edit

The error has nothing to do with CUDA working or not (at least in my experience). Can you include your output from opencv_version_win32.exe and opencv_test_cudaarithm.exe and explain what you mean by "my cuda cant be used"?

cudawarped gravatar imagecudawarped ( 2020-07-03 06:51:02 -0600 )edit