Zero-normalised cross correlation for Template Matching

asked 2020-03-01 11:03:18 -0600

Maksat gravatar image

I want to use Template Matching for tracking some objects and some literature says Zero-normalised versions of Cross Correlation (ZNCC) or Sum of Square Differences (ZNSSD) are the most robust. I would really appreciate if anyone could advise if Template Matching includes these methods of correlation criteria and how. Thank you

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matchtemplate doc and method parameters here

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2020-03-02 02:17:54 -0600 )edit

I want to use Template Matching for tracking some objects

that sounds like a bad idea, far too much overhead. rather implement your own cross-correlation using your desired normalization, maybe take a look at the MOSSE tracker-

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-03-02 02:37:56 -0600 )edit