Image Stitching with cv2.cuda()

asked 2020-02-06 01:39:59 -0600

Imran B gravatar image

Hi all, I have tried image stitching with opencv (followed this tutorial) and it's working good.Now I brought Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1660 gpu and installed cuda drivers.Now I'm trying to perform video stitching with cuda support.

    descriptor = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
    (kps, features) = descriptor.detectAndCompute(image, None)

Is it work on cuda?

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As far as I know SIFT is not available for CUDA. But you can try SURF or ORB ... Also note that SIFT and SURF are patented and non-free.

MicTie gravatar imageMicTie ( 2020-02-06 02:17:54 -0600 )edit

I brought Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1660 gpu and installed cuda drivers.

don't forget to rebuild the opencv libs/cv2 with cuda support

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-02-06 04:07:24 -0600 )edit

Here is link pyimagesearck for Nvida How to use Nvida And Nvidia. the first link, scroll down how to install Nvidia.

supra56 gravatar imagesupra56 ( 2020-02-06 07:32:43 -0600 )edit

Thnaks for efforts

Imran B gravatar imageImran B ( 2020-02-13 03:30:55 -0600 )edit