Error DataDepth with Mat_<compObj>
I am trying to create this data structure in OpenCV:
typedef Vec2f ScalarComplex;
typedef Vec<ScalarComplex,32> CellPlane;
typedef cv::Mat_<CellPlane> Plane;
But when I try to declare a variable:
Plane plane
It throws this error:
error : class "cv::DataDepth<ScalarComplex>" has no member "value"
error : class "cv::DataDepth<ScalarComplex>" has no member "fmt"
I think it can't know the depth for the 'ScalarComplex' type but I don't know why because it is a defined OpenCV type.
I was trying to fix it with std:vector (It is possible) but I would prefer to use OpenCV types to get profit from its features and undertand what it is happening ....
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