Cannot load my custom Tensorflow-Model into cv:dnn::readNetFromTensorflow

asked 2019-12-13 04:28:44 -0600

System information (version)

  • OpenCV => 4.1.1
  • Operating System / Platform => Windows 64 Bit
  • Compiler => Qt Qreator

Detailed description

I've trained a custom Tensorflow-Model and I can predict my Model inside my training framework (tensorpack) without any issues. Now I want to deploy my Model into openCV to use it in my main project. I know that the following steps have to be made to succesfully load my model into openCV:

  1. Freeze the Graph and generate a frozenGraph.pb with tf.optimize_for_inference // DONE
  2. Generate a pbtxt File with tf.train.write_graph(frozenGraph, asText=True) // DONE

However, I cannot load my model into openCV. I've tried differenct approaches and always get an exception. However, the exceptions differs based on the following factors:

A. Net ub6net = readNetFromTensorflow (model) // ONLY PB FILE

A.1 - optmize_for_inference disabled: Input Node not found Exception A.2 - optimize_for_inference enabled: nodesMapIt != nodesMap.end() in func sortByExecutionOrder

B. Net ub6net = readNetFromTensorflow (model, graph) // PB and PBTXT

B.1 - optimize_for_inference disabled: Assertion failed in function 'addConstNodes' B.2 - optimize_for_inference enabled: Assertion failed in function 'addConstNodes'

It does not seem to make a difference if I use optimize_for_inference when I read the network with the pbtxt and pb File, I get the same Exception in both cases.

My Code to generate the pb and pbtxt file:

# File:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
from import optimize_for_inference_lib

from ..compat import is_tfv2, tfv1
from ..input_source import PlaceholderInput
from ..tfutils.common import get_tensors_by_names, get_tf_version_tuple
from ..tfutils.tower import PredictTowerContext
from ..utils import logger

__all__ = ['ModelExporter']

class ModelExporter(object):
    """Export models for inference."""

def __init__(self, config):
    """Initialise the export process.
        config (PredictConfig): the config to use.
            The graph will be built with the tower function defined by this `PredictConfig`.
            Then the input / output names will be used to export models for inference.
    super(ModelExporter, self).__init__()
    self.config = config

def export_compact(self, filename, optimize=True, toco_compatible=False):
    """Create a self-contained inference-only graph and write final graph (in pb format) to disk.
        filename (str): path to the output graph
        optimize (bool): whether to use TensorFlow's `optimize_for_inference`
            to prune and optimize the graph. This does not work on all types of graphs.
        toco_compatible (bool): See TensorFlow's
            for details. Only available after TF 1.8.
    if toco_compatible:
        assert optimize, "toco_compatible is only effective when optimize=True!"
    self.graph = self.config._maybe_create_graph()
    with self.graph.as_default():
        input = PlaceholderInput()
        with PredictTowerContext(''):

        input_tensors = get_tensors_by_names(self.config.input_names)
        output_tensors = get_tensors_by_names(self.config.output_names)

        # we cannot use "self.config.session_creator.create_session()" here since it finalizes the graph
        sess = tfv1.Session(config=tfv1.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))

        dtypes = [n.dtype for n in input_tensors]

        # freeze variables to constants
        frozen_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(
            [[:-2 ...
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Latest version is tensorflow 2.0.

supra56 gravatar imagesupra56 ( 2019-12-13 09:21:48 -0600 )edit

I cannot use Tensorflow 2.0 cause its not compatible with my toolchain

KingDav33 gravatar imageKingDav33 ( 2019-12-13 13:10:11 -0600 )edit