SIFT detectAndCompute works but throws an error
In my real time image tracking solution, whenever i am calling detectAndCompute i get an exception thrown.
The exception doesnt crash the program, and the tracking still works (on my machine) but due to the fact that it is constantly throwing the exception, I am seeing some major performance setbacks. Here is the exception:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFF0FBEA839 in OpenCV2.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: ipp::IwException at memory location 0x0000004CB72FC5C8.
Here is my SIFT algorithm declaration:
cv::Ptr<cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT> algo = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create(150, 8, 0.04, 8, 1.6);
I tried printing the exception to get details with a try-catch clause but it didnt give me any info. Here is the line that throws this exception:
algo->detectAndCompute(frame, mask, keypoints2, descriptors2, false);
If you can add the complete code it will be more clear
@Kitnos What exactly do you need?
How do you get/calculate : frame, mask, keypoints2 and descriptors2.
opencv version ? using prebuilt libs ?
frame is just a cv::Mat image (from camera feed), and the mask is generated with FAST keypoints with runByPixelMask(). keypoints and descriptors need to be filled up by the function i am calling.
@berak im using 3.4.2, and i am not using any prebuild librariest outside of OpenCV (the ones that were in the install after the cmake build)
If you can't share your code try to test it on another computer. Maybe the memory capacity of the computer you are using are low.