Fuse ARCore with OpenCV to persistently store an ARSession

asked 2019-10-24 04:42:28 -0600

Taka gravatar image


Is it possible to utilize either featuredetection in openCV or keyframes to persistently store and later reload an ARCore session?

Or has anybody another idea as an approach?

Thank you a lot :)

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you probably need to tell us what ArCore is or an ARCore Session would be.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-10-24 05:09:22 -0600 )edit

Okay, I was talking about the Android SDK ARCore. And an AR session in this SDK starts at the launch of the AR App and computes the environment by visual and sensor tracking.

Taka gravatar imageTaka ( 2019-10-24 05:50:45 -0600 )edit

The algorithms extract feature points from the camera image and calculate them as a plane if they fit together. The problem within is that if you place an 3D object in this virtual space and you close the application everything gets lost. That's why I asked myself if it could be possible to mapout the environment using OpenCV, implement the position and orientation of the virtual object and match the data with the ARCore SDK to already place virtual objects on startup

Taka gravatar imageTaka ( 2019-10-24 05:53:39 -0600 )edit