Active contours (cvSnakeImage) in OPencv 4, legacy module [closed]

asked 2019-10-19 06:55:17 -0600

updated 2019-10-21 02:45:48 -0600


I want to use active contours (SnakeImage), but i can't find them in Opencv 4.1.0, i know that cvSnakeImage existed in modules in the older versions of Opencv, i can't find an answer to question in this forum or in the internet, and thank you.

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-12-07 09:12:25.583046



it's gone since 3.0 and wont come back (it was numerically unstable, C-api problems, etc.)

why (and what for ?) do you need it ? did you look at AAM implementations outside opencv ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-10-21 03:07:03 -0600 )edit

I need it the resolve a problem of segmentation to detect a shape, i explain my problem here : I can't find an " AAM implementations outside opencv" can you give me a link please, and thank you.

Kitnos gravatar imageKitnos ( 2019-10-21 03:15:14 -0600 )edit

AAM = "Active Appearance Model", "Active Contours", all related to snakes

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-10-21 03:17:56 -0600 )edit

In my problem i want to detect a shape of a handle of a valve by giving the algorithm the position of the handle, I read know a little bit about AAM, and in my case i think i need only a simple active contour detector. I am working with opencv 4.1.0, do you think if I add legacy module from the old versions of Opencv to the new version it's going to work without problem? And tahnk you

Kitnos gravatar imageKitnos ( 2019-10-21 03:46:49 -0600 )edit

I read know a little bit about AAM, and in my case i think i need only a simple active contour

yea, true.

if I add legacy module from the old versions of Opencv to the new version it's going to work without problem?

definitely not so.

you'll first have a hard time integrating the removed code, then you'll get into problems using the dead C api, and in the end, it'll just crash or calculate nonsense.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-10-21 03:51:42 -0600 )edit

Do you have please any code( c++) i can start with that use a simple Active contour application, i have searched all day, and all the codes i found on github are not working, and thank you.

Kitnos gravatar imageKitnos ( 2019-10-21 08:58:46 -0600 )edit