SimpleBlobDetector crashes silently
I am trying to detect blobs in a threshold image.
img = cv2.imread("my_image")
_, img = cv2.threshold(img, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
blob_detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector()
keypoints = blob_detector.detect(img)
At the last line my jupyter notebook crashes after less than a second saying: "The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically"
I also executed the code in a Linux shell receiving the error code -11. I could not find out what the code stand for.
I am using Python version 3.7.3, openCV version is 4.1.1, I am using Ubuntu
I really do not know how to troubleshoot a silent crash so I really appreciate your help!
(This is my first post, so feel free to point out improvement suggestions. :) )
add your image please, so we can try to reproduce the problem
I have this problem with all the images I am using. So I am not sure a specific example with help here. I have tried 5 different images. All fail in the same way. Sometimes they fail completely silently... Do you still think adding an image will be helpful?
please run it from a plain cmdline, not a notebook, you might be missing some exceptions.
Yes, that is true. The error I get out of bash is: 2221 segmentation fault (core dumped) python