optimizing approach for SIFT detection

asked 2019-08-21 12:12:57 -0600

eric_engineer gravatar image

I'm running SIFT detection of a target in Python on Windows with a 2.7Ghz i7-6820HQ processor. I'm doing a sift.detectAndCompute, followed by FlannBasedMatcher, findHomograpy, and a perspective transform. It finds somewhere between 5-15 good matches.

It's processing 640x360px gray images in about 80-100ms. I'd like to improve that performance. Should I be looking at moving to a faster processor, switching to C++, going after some kind of GPU acceleration?

Thanks for any tips you can give.

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Hi, did you find some solution? i am working with SIFT and i want to improve it too, but i am using C++ and visual studio 2015, I find this link and it's help me a lot https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3... before i was using debug mode in visual studio and it was very slow and now i am using Release mode and it's pretty fast, but i am interested if you find another way to improve SIFT, acceleration or performance and thank you.

Kitnos gravatar imageKitnos ( 2019-09-27 02:39:22 -0600 )edit