in your project, go to
[Project(P)] -> [ (your project name) property ] -> [VC++ Directories]
you would see something like:
add the path of "include" folder of openCV to [Include Directories]
add the path of " *.lib " folder of openCV (Maybe in /opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/) to [Library Directories]
then go to [Linker] in the [ (your project name) property ]
add the lib name to [Linker] -> [Input] -> [Additional Dependencies] (Maybe opencv_world411.lib)
then go to the computer and add the folder of *.dll (Maybe /opencv/build/x64/vc15/bin/) to the environment variables path
not unless you tell us in detail, what you actually tried, and show us the resulting errors.
(just mentioning "i followed xyz" is utterly useless to help).
I cannot share much. I followed the official Install Guide from Website ( and error is basically that it cannot find opencv files in Visual Studio. If i want to include opencv it does not find it and when i paste a sample code it marks the includes and says it cannot be opened.