Any implementation of LineSegmentDetector for python ?
I see that cv2.createLineSegmentDetector implementation has been removed due original code license issues in function, any workarounds that don't include downgrading to an older version ?
Thanks a lot!
is still there OpenCV 4.1.x. I am using OpenCV 4.1.1. Raspberry pi 4B, Buster Ver 10@ilas. Can you post ur code?
I tried something very simple, just to give a first look :
My apologized. You were right. My co-worker found problem.. implementation has been removed due original code license issues in function. It doesn't work on OpenCV 4.1.x. I then switched to OpenCV 3.X and it should work too.
@ilas. I tried your code in OpenCV 3.x and it worked too.
I see. Well, I wouldn't like to change versions cause I need the newest in other parts of the projet. Thank you anyway !
I think you can use instead the Fast line detector. There is a sample.
As Line Segment Detector has been removed due to license conflict, I suggest you all add a thumbs-up to this issue!
"Restore LineSegmentDetector LSD & avoid license conflict":