How to hash - Opencv matrix, lbph histogram? [closed]

asked 2019-07-12 00:56:40 -0600

chinesestud gravatar image

updated 2019-07-12 01:01:18 -0600

Hi, I want to try to create a hash code from *.yml. For example i have existing yml file with Opencv matrix and lbph histogram:

%YAML:1.0 opencv_lbphfaces: threshold: 1.7976931348623157e+308 radius: 1 neighbors: 8 grid_x: 8 grid_y: 8 histograms: - !!opencv-matrix rows: 1 cols: 16384 dt: f data: [ 2.49739867e-02,

and so on....

Please give me some suggestions, methods or existing source codes how to convert it into hashcode or another useful view. And if i understood this yml file correctly main face identity features store in histograms:data:?

I want to take this hashcode and put it into another system/request...

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Closed for the following reason not a real question by berak
close date 2019-07-12 01:51:37.585365


I want to try to create a hash code from *.yml

please explain, why you want to do this, and what exact outcome you expect here.

And if i understood this yml file correctly main face identity features store in histograms:data:?

you might think of the histograms as some kind of hash already

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-07-12 01:02:19 -0600 )edit

please explain, why you want to do this, and what exact outcome you expect here. - why - i need more compact view of this, exact outcome - method how to do that, maybe source code. As i said i need it for use in another system - for example in authentificate system (as part of identity)

you might think of the histograms as some kind of hash already - histogram is matrix? if yes ok, that means in my case i neef to convert it into hash, or short vector. How i can do that

chinesestud gravatar imagechinesestud ( 2019-07-12 01:11:00 -0600 )edit
  • each line in the matrix is a normalized histogram of a (temporary) lbp image. one per original image (or person).
  • please look up the difference between identification, verification and authentification. different purpose -> different means, and labelled identification data like here might not be useful at all.
  • "in authentificate system" -- please do not venture into any of this before reading up and understanding the science behind it.
berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-07-12 01:19:03 -0600 )edit

Well, maybe I did not quite understand. I will try to describe my idea, maybe you will give advice.

The idea: to identify with the use of biometrics and face recognition. Next, transfer the personality characteristics to the second system, the system will create a virtual user based on the personality characteristics, and then third side can use (virtual user which based on biometrics) as: authenticate, authorize and access

chinesestud gravatar imagechinesestud ( 2019-07-12 01:32:00 -0600 )edit

if it's for a toy system: yea go on, good luck, and you'll learn a lot. (but that's also, where you have to start)

if you intended to do anything professional : don't, unless you have some years to spend on it.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-07-12 01:40:10 -0600 )edit

Yes, its only for concept system, to check how it works. Do you have some suggestions about that? How to put personality characteristics (histogram data from yml file) in another system?

chinesestud gravatar imagechinesestud ( 2019-07-12 01:43:34 -0600 )edit

sorry, but what you have to do now is look up, how lbph works, simply. and it's YOUR JOB, not ours.

talking of distributed databases and biometrics is all hot air, no suggestions without a solid base possible.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-07-12 01:54:04 -0600 )edit