error the function/feature is not implement
first i have install opencv4.1.0 and it's contrib modules,but when i set up my own project by using line_descriptor, my projection allways have this problems.
OpenCV(4.1.0) Error: The function/feature is not implemented (Implementation has been removed due original code license issues) in cv::line_descriptor::BinaryDescriptor::OctaveKeyLines, file D:\opencv_contrib-master\modules\line_descriptor\src\binary_descriptor.cpp, line 1030
whether i need to change the version that i use to code??? maybe low version , opencv 3.4?????
it is a license issue , code had to be removed, because it is incompatible to the MIT license used here.
what are you trying to achieve ? using which code ? please updateyour question, maybe we can help to find alternatives.
the version that i use is opencv 4.1.0, so if i want to solve this problem ,i need to change the version that i use??? just change the opencv 3.4????
3.4.5, maybe . however, relying on otherwise removed code does not seem a good idea.