Horizontal projection of area between 2 circles
I use OpenCV library with python. I would like to make an horizontal projection of area between two circles. As show in image below.
I use OpenCV library with python. I would like to make an horizontal projection of area between two circles. As show in image below.
One Opencv tool you should try is lineIterator. Create some radial lines and step across the boundary of the bottle opening. Look at the pixel values and the change in pixel values at each step. We call this a line profile. Below are some plots of a few of these line profiles. Most have a significant "valley" that looks like the area you are interested in.
Asked: 2019-05-30 08:48:06 -0600
Seen: 298 times
Last updated: Jun 04 '19
Area of a single pixel object in OpenCV
Weird result while finding angle
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