tracking points

asked 2019-05-27 18:33:00 -0600

updated 2019-05-28 06:54:27 -0600

berak gravatar image

image description

as you can see now I have six points in this picture, I know that mouse callback function can track one point at one time. I am wondering can I use the mouse callback function to track all the six points at the same time.


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helo, it's somewhat unclear, what you mean by "mouse callback function can track one point at one time." can you try to explain ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-05-28 04:30:42 -0600 )edit

hi Berak,

here is part of the mouse callback function that can click the point on the video.

but this function can just choose one point. Code:

def select_point(event, x, y, flags, params):
    # grab references to the global variables
    global point, point_selected, old_points
    # if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting
    # (x, y) coordinates and indicate that cropping is being
    # performed
    if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:#indicates that the left mouse button is pressed.
    point = (x, y) #choose one point, here is its position
    point_selected = True
    old_points = np.array([[x, y]], dtype=np.float32)# create an array
procrastinator gravatar imageprocrastinator ( 2019-05-28 12:03:22 -0600 )edit