Problem with video on 32 bit Android sdk

asked 2019-05-01 14:30:29 -0600

I'm using the Android sdk library. The 64 bit arm64-v8a version is working fine but the 32 bit armeabi-v7a version is making my application crash when I use cv::VideoCapture(s) when s=the path to an *.avi file written using the JPEG codec, it also fails when opening the video writer. I use a Java routine to capture camera frames and that works fine also.

It used to work with but I had to change versions because Google changed the c++ libraries its compilers use and the version 3 so files were not compatible. Google also wants 64 bit versions of all playstore apps and I can not compile one using the old *.so file.

I am using Qt to build my app and do not have the necessary setup to recompile Open CV myself.

Any Suggestions?


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