Car detection from still pictures

asked 2019-04-30 05:58:56 -0600

ryback gravatar image

Hi. I'm planning on having a camera in a fixed location where cars park. The camera would sit just in front of the car at the same level of the cars, and would take pictures at a given interval (e.g. 1 minute). The camera would then get the same picture (except perhaps for lighting condition changes) until the car leaves and another one comes.

I would like to know the complexity of this task (e.g. are there any scripts that already solve this, or any kind of filter?).

I'm new to the OpenCV world. Any orientation (high level is fine) would be appreciated.


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we can help you IF you have a problem with the opencv api.

but what you need, is OWN RESEARCH, a course in computer-vision / graphics, etc.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-04-30 06:16:25 -0600 )edit