spectrum component after DFT [closed]

asked 2019-04-27 05:07:49 -0600

vasilev gravatar image

Hello! Help me please. I dont know how are distributed components of spectum in array Mat[]. Example, Mat[10][10]:

10683.0 , 0.0   |   -1672.7109375 , 1224.880615234375   |   -638.8090209960938 , 247.04542541503906   |   -877.7889404296875 , 155.12570190429688   |   -637.6909790039062 , 272.2862854003906   |   -489.0 , 0.0   |   -637.6909790039062 , -272.2862854003906   |   -877.7889404296875 , -155.12570190429688   |   -638.8090209960938 , -247.04542541503906   |   -1672.7109375 , -1224.880615234375   |   
213.99807739257812 , -584.6634521484375   |   130.73956298828125 , 606.0011596679688   |   -14.218833923339844 , 58.756446838378906   |   26.928974151611328 , 161.4860076904297   |   266.941162109375 , -37.109619140625   |   105.19351196289062 , 65.66043853759766   |   240.93304443359375 , 432.45025634765625   |   250.17318725585938 , 164.7734375   |   237.19952392578125 , -132.22189331054688   |   -112.6656494140625 , 226.94696044921875   |   
-0.91485595703125 , -447.3646240234375   |   360.561767578125 , 465.86346435546875   |   126.6656494140625 , 22.457313537597656   |   64.41641235351562 , 195.70567321777344   |   -127.30244445800781 , 105.31954956054688   |   -62.926090240478516 , -75.38300323486328   |   -125.28617858886719 , 48.957672119140625   |   105.19346618652344 , 157.32992553710938   |   -282.2198181152344 , 140.9123992919922   |   -514.5404052734375 , -83.85673522949219   |   
735.0018920898438 , -393.082275390625   |   -155.67318725585938 , 557.9569702148438   |   -72.94116973876953 , 356.77423095703125   |   -233.73951721191406 , 61.82756042480469   |   -320.699462890625 , -7.656669616699219   |   6.806499481201172 , 93.4810562133789   |   -24.28116226196289 , -183.5181884765625   |   -5.334362030029297 , -211.23463439941406   |   -221.93304443359375 , -70.1197738647461   |   -497.42901611328125 , -391.58465576171875   |   
186.91485595703125 , -160.82569885253906   |   37.58355712890625 , 78.894287109375   |   83.78620147705078 , -91.97496032714844   |   -25.959571838378906 , 33.60498046875   |   19.334388732910156 , 129.54022216796875   |   -320.07391357421875 , 45.41368865966797   |   -31.780197143554688 , -70.63064575195312   |   -81.06170654296875 , 139.40040588378906   |   -164.19754028320312 , -149.14434814453125   |   6.806491851806641 , -152.487060546875   |   
407.0 , 0.0   |   -154.28765869140625 , 139.44683837890625   |   -3.50408935546875 , 109.50730895996094   |   -106.21224975585938 , 32.106624603271484   |   -64.9959716796875 , -117.6409912109375   |   191.0 , 0.0   |   -64.9959716796875 , 117.6409912109375   |   -106.21224975585938 , -32.106624603271484   |   -3.50408935546875 , -109.50730895996094   |   -154.28765869140625 , -139.44683837890625   |   
186.91485595703125 , 160.82569885253906   |   6.806491851806641 , 152.487060546875   |   -164.19754028320312 , 149.14434814453125   |   -81.06170654296875 , -139.40040588378906   |   -31.780197143554688 , 70.63064575195312   |   -320.07391357421875 , -45.41368865966797   |   19.334388732910156 , -129.54022216796875   |   -25.959571838378906 , -33.60498046875   |   83.78620147705078 , 91.97496032714844   |   37.58355712890625 , -78.894287109375   |   
735.0018920898438 , 393.082275390625   |   -497.42901611328125 , 391.58465576171875   |   -221.93304443359375 , 70.1197738647461   |   -5.334362030029297 , 211.23463439941406   |   -24.28116226196289 , 183.5181884765625   |   6.806499481201172 , -93.4810562133789   |   -320.699462890625 , 7.656669616699219   |   -233.73951721191406 , -61.82756042480469   |   -72.94116973876953 , -356.77423095703125   |   -155.67318725585938 , -557.9569702148438   |   

    -0.91485595703125 , 447.3646240234375   |   -514.5404052734375 , 83.85673522949219   |   -282.2198181152344 , -140.9123992919922   |   105.19346618652344 , -157.32992553710938   |   -125.28617858886719 , -48.957672119140625   |   -62.926090240478516 , 75.38300323486328   |   -127.30244445800781 , -105.31954956054688   |   64.41641235351562 , -195.70567321777344   |   126.6656494140625 , -22.457313537597656   |   360.561767578125 , -465.86346435546875   |   
    213.99807739257812 , 584.6634521484375   |   -112.6656494140625 , -226.94696044921875   |   237.19952392578125 , 132.22189331054688   |   250.17318725585938 , -164.7734375   |   240.93304443359375 , -432.45025634765625   |   105.19351196289062 , -65.66043853759766   |   266.941162109375 , 37.109619140625   |   26.928974151611328 , -161.4860076904297   |   -14.218833923339844 , -58.756446838378906   |   130.73956298828125 , -606.0011596679688   |

This array after dft. Where are here 0, 1, 2, etc spectrum components?

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant by LBerger
close date 2019-04-27 11:11:00.381907


off topics : Questions about problems with openCV wrappers (EmguCV, JavaCV, OpenCVSharp, ...) or extension libraries (cvBlobsLib, opencvx, ...).These problems should be adressed to the proper fora.

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2019-04-27 11:10:36 -0600 )edit