OpenCV Yolo Tiny Slow
Hello Im trying to use my own trained model of yolov3-tiny in OpenCV. Im have code from this tutorial , but when im using videos or camera then this is going very slow(300ms) but when i`m using this same files cfg and weights in darknet then i have 40-50 fps. Is there any way to speed up this c++ code to get this same result, except lowering resolution in code, becouse it has normal speed only for 32x32 but then it detect nothing.
Do you have the same results for original yolov3-tiny from ? I am experimenting with these models and object_detection.cpp example. Inference time is around 30ms for yolov3-tiny.
I guess you used GPU in darknet but CPU in openCV dnn
i needed change number of classes and filters and now this is working this same as mine