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3d models from 2d image slices

asked 2012-09-05 23:26:11 -0600

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Hi, Is it possible to build 3D models from 2D image slices with help of opencv or should I stick to Matlab. I want to calculate the volume of an object after rebuilding it from 2D image slices. I am unable to find any reference guides for this study. If anyone can give information gladly accepted. Cheers. IA

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2 answers

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answered 2012-09-06 02:24:06 -0600

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OpenCV is mainly targeted at image and video processing with an emphasis on processing pixels.
It can be very useful for analyzing your slices, e.g. for segmentation, contours, enhancement etc. You can also measure pixel counts in each slice with when summed up will give you the volume. Once you have your segmentation, the pixel positions + the slice number is a 3D model.

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answered 2012-11-04 05:45:10 -0600

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Hi, As previously answered, OpenCV is more targeted to 2D(+t) image processing. If you need 3D reconstruction, you can check the efficient PointCloudLibrary (

I used it to display 2D OpenCV images "slice" with the third dimension related to time. It is really easy to make the link between the two libs.

Once transfered your 2D slices to PCL, there are many state of the art methods to segment 3D objects, extract 3D envelops, etc.

Check my question/autoanswer that shows a basic OpenCV cv::Mat transfer to PCL.

3D rendering is really impressive, that great even for demos.

Regarding 3D object segmentation, here is a link to related PCL doc :

Good luck !

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Hey, I'm facing the same challenge as above, I saw your comment and I figured you succeeded overcome this challenge.

Can you please help me do so too?

in particular, I need help with the following: 1. Which libraries to install. 2. How to link them all together and with openCV. 3. How to transfer an array of openCV::Mat to pcl and then how to create a 3d object from it.

I would very much appreciate your help, It means a lot to me since it is a hugh part of my graduate project.

etaybar gravatar imageetaybar ( 2015-05-09 10:32:24 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2012-09-05 23:26:11 -0600

Seen: 22,729 times

Last updated: Nov 04 '12