How to create xml file for fish detection
it is possible create xml file for fish detection and how many fish images needed for creating xml file
it is possible create xml file for fish detection and how many fish images needed for creating xml file
Asked: 2019-03-27 23:06:06 -0600
Seen: 499 times
Last updated: Mar 27 '19
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it's probably a bad idea, and you should use deep learning instead.
"fish" is far too broad, different species / textures and all. some will swim to the left, others anywhere else, pose problem.
a few thousand would be ok.
I followed this youtube video
ughh. another noob pranked by a shit video (they're all lying).
RTFM instead
and again, the cascades are phased out, current opencv does no more have the tools to train them
berak kindly suggest some idea to generate xml file for fish detection
sorry, again, imho it's a bad idea. (and you should not insist on doig it this way)