How to calculate correct font scale to fit to the image using putText
Hi,(/upfiles/15536799498185134.png)I want to increase the font size of the output I get using put text function,I tried randomly increasing and decreasing font scale variable but it didn't work. Anyone knows how to do this? Thank you!
# show the label
cv2.putText(image, prediction, (20,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0, (0,255,255), 3,8)
print("Prediction - {}".format(prediction))
# display the output image
plt.imshow( image)
as long as you're worrying about font-scales, you're not doing computer-vision ;(
careful, plt will expect rgb images, opencv uses bgr.
@berak Those things I know Thanks .Showing meaningful output is also important when documenting your work, Please write if you know the answer
sure, i'm only teasing you ;)
retrieve the actual size for 2 known font scales, and extrapolate ?