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BRIEF and FREAK without SIFT and SURF

asked 2019-03-25 07:17:56 -0600

phil123 gravatar image

I was wondering if it is possible to compile opencv with the xfeatures2d features while excluding SIFT and SURF features. As both SIFT and SURF are patented, we would like to excluded them completely.

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answered 2019-03-25 07:40:21 -0600

berak gravatar image

updated 2019-03-25 07:51:12 -0600

I was wondering if it is possible to compile opencv with the xfeatures2d features while excluding SIFT and SURF features.

this is already the default behaviour (as of 3.4.x or so)

SIFT and SURF (as well as some patented denoising algos) will only be enabled / compiled into your lib/exe if


was set in cmake, when buildng the opencv libs.

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Asked: 2019-03-25 07:17:56 -0600

Seen: 246 times

Last updated: Mar 25 '19