Training Boost clasifier with CvMLData
I was trying to train Boost classifier using CvMLData and reading from .cvs file,but when I try to load .cvs the program trows an error:
OpenCV Error: One of arguments' values is out of range (Storage block size is too small to fit the sequence elements) in cvSetSeqBlockSize
The .cvs file has the following format:
Any idea, what causes this?
Reading CSV files depends on your actual file system language settings, which leads to differences between comma's and dots on different systems. Could this be the problem?
I found it. The .csv file is just toooooooooo large xD (~850mb) I was able to run it, after some modifications (in module ml, data.cpp, read_csv function replase cvCreateMemStorage() with cvCreateMemStorage(128*1024)). Default MemStorage was 64k, now is 128k, but now I'm out of memmory.... I will find another way
How many entries does one need to get 850 mb on CSV files? Thats enourmous!
Yep, 5000 rows X 20 000 cols
Can you tell me which changes did you do to make program run? I have the same problem but I don't know how to reslove it :(
Did you have to recompile the libraries for the changes in data.cpp to work? What changes did you make exactly for the program to run? My .csv is 1.9GB :(
This question is from 2013. In computer vision that is like the stone age. Please open up a new question because people will tend to ignore these.