How align face? [closed]
Align the eyes and mouth so that they are approximately in the same position in the image.
Align the eyes and mouth so that they are approximately in the same position in the image.
Asked: 2019-01-22 07:33:52 -0600
Seen: 401 times
Last updated: Jan 22 '19
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I found some time ago some code on pyimagesearch - that adrian guy gave a solution for this. And if i remember right - i think the faceident module of opencv does similar stuff. I think dlib and landmarks were involved. But i guess a quick googling will let you even find working code for this.
Here is link: face align
Yes this is the opencv version of the problem. Thank you for link,
on pyimagesearch is not right for you
Here is the aforementioned pyimagesearch link. It uses both OpenCV and Dlib
It written in python , not c++
thank you philli