Convert BayerBG12Packed (12-Bit packed) into RGB
can anyone tell me, what code inside cvtColor has to be used, when converting 12 bit packed BayerBG12Packed into RGB. The following code does not work:
cv::Mat Mat16Bit(SizeY, SizeX, CV_16UC1, ImageData);
cv::Mat Mat8Bit = Mat16Bit.clone();
Mat8Bit.convertTo(Mat8Bit, CV_8UC3, 0.0625);
cv::Mat MatRgb(SizeY, SizeX, CV_8UC3);
cv::cvtColor(Mat8Bit, MatRgb, CV_BayerBG2RGB);
BayerBG12 works fine, so maybe the image sizes do not match - any help is welcome.