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cv::undistortPoints not working for me ....

asked 2019-01-19 02:51:40 -0600

mikeitexpert gravatar image

I am trying to un-distort the pixel coordinate of two points using the code below but I am not successful.

       vector<Point2f> pts;
       cv::Mat upts;
       cerr << "m_cameraMat = \n" << m_cameraMat << endl;
       cerr << "m_distortionCoefMat = \n" << m_distortionCoefMat << endl;
       cerr << "pts = \n" << pts << endl;
       undistortPoints(Mat(pts), upts, m_cameraMat, m_distortionCoefMat);

        cerr << "upts = " << upts << endl;

But it doesn't seem to be working, I get weird output ... !!!???

m_cameraMat = 
[606.184487913021, 0, 320;
 0, 606.184487913021, 240;
 0, 0, 1]

m_distortionCoefMat = 

pts = 
[533.44543, 347.06061;
 529.32397, 234.65332]

upts = 
[0.35208049, 0.1765976;
 0.34534943, -0.0088211242]

I am totally clueless ... :|

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answered 2019-01-19 14:09:29 -0600

Tetragramm gravatar image

Take a look at the documentation HERE.

See the last argument, P=noArray()? It says it's the "New camera matrix (3x3) ... If the matrix is empty, the identity new camera matrix is used."

Take your camera matrix and place it also in that argument (leave R as noArray()), and you should see the points where you expect them.

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Asked: 2019-01-19 02:51:40 -0600

Seen: 1,026 times

Last updated: Jan 19 '19