is the namespace omnidir not available on opencv4 in python3.6
i instaled opencv 4 and checked the Version.
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18)
">>> import cv2
i cant find the functions cv.omnidir.calibrate / cv2.omnidir.calibrate in opencv
do i have to compile it by myselfe or is there a way to use the omnicam calibration with python as described and Dokumented?
what exactly did you install, and how so ?
I downloaded opencv winpack 4.0.0, opend it, used python install and set the paths on a new installed win 10 pc with python 3.6.5.
Other functions/namespaces do work, but I can't find the new omnicam calibration.