better camera stablization method?
hi there, I make a toy project to use a camera watching my monitor.If any person use my computer and my monitor scene change then the program would send message.
first I consider using the HOGDescriptor. I set the first image of videocapture as template, if the current frame's HOG feature is much different to the first image, the program would treat it as " someone use my computer", However, it is really sensitive to camera-shaking.
now I add a MOSSE tracker into it. I set window center as ROI and do some tracking. Then I caculate the HOG difference. If the MOSSE tracker loss tracking and HOG feature has large difference then report "someone use my computer"
To summary: I use TrackerMOSSE to stablize the camera and monitor the monitor(?). Then use HOG feature to do double check.
the output looks like:
shaking camera:
use computer:
It is really good but when I google for some toturial it seems the camera stablization is not worked like this. I found opencv has videostab lib but it seems not for camera and not really time. What could I do to make this toy program more like a "professional" toy ? ( I only care about the mat in ROI since I only need the output message, not output image)
I don(t understand what you want. Are you sure that you use stabilization method in good context ?
The disturbances, that occurs on the video are produced by translational and rotational movements and by the zoom of the camera and the local motion of objects. Vibrations and shocks always occur on the camera while platform is moving. Other effects such as wind may also cause distortion. These causes degradations on the quality of the video. Video stabilization is the technique of generating a stabilized video sequence, where image motion by the camera’s undesirable shake. It removes those undesired motions while preserving the desired motions
Survey paper for Different Video Stabilization Techniques Dipali Umrikar 1, Sunil Tade2