What is a good way to recognize an object from two different images in android system? [closed]
I am trying compare two images containing a same object and show a result of similarity between them. At first I tried histogram comparison and matchTemplate() function using "TM_CCOEFF_NORMED". But that did not seem to be a good idea and the result was not satisfying. My second approach was to use ORB to extract features and find key points. But then I came to know that, ORB feature matching is to find the position of a known object. My app wasn't going anywhere with feature extraction since it keeps detecting wrong features and match wrong key points.
Sorry for making the question messy and confusing. I am kind of new to all this. It'd be really helpful if I could get some suggestions on what actually to use to detect an object using a photo of that object, from another image.
It indeed is true that I found those ideas on the internet. I did my research on them and saw feature extraction to be a common way of applying image processing to recognize objects. I may have done my research wrong but i do need some idea here to move on to do some progress. I don't want to use deep learning methods here and got a very little idea of everything.
apologies for being somewhat harsh on you before.
imho, what you want is not doable, simply. maybe you need to change the idea, so it's "less broad" ?
(e.g. restrict it to certain subset of objects)
Sorry for being so late to reply.. Thanks for the suggestion really. I am trying to make it less broad by adding some android features like cropping the image so that the object is focused on more before comparing the images.