I would like to detect my horse in her stable [closed]
I like to detect my horse in the stable by using a raspberry pi with cam to detect what she is doing in her stable. i like OpenCV to detect if she is :
eating hay of bix standing laying down laying flat (with her head down also) Drinking stable lot occupied
I understand i have to make an XML file for each situation with 5000 images? I like to do this by videofile. I would like to know how to make an XML file by using de frames of a video.
ps i am new at Linux an opencv
can i identify the dinking bowl and the head of a horse and tell opencv when they are very close the horse is drinking?
do you have actual cam now. could you share some images, if do you have already.
How can i show them to you on here? ik can make a lot of foto's of my horses or there head. and drinking boils i can find on the internet or i can make pictures of them myself