Could not generate .wasm file when building opencv.js

asked 2018-12-03 19:13:20 -0600

ars0 gravatar image

updated 2018-12-04 18:16:34 -0600

I was trying to build the opencv.js with the wasm output. I just followed the steps on the opencv.js tutorial:
cd opencv
python ./platforms/js/ build_wasm --build_wasm

The build was completed with no error (some warnings), but I could not find the .wasm output in the bin folder, there were only two files opencv.js and opencv_js.js. I want to use the feature2d module so I tried the latest versions 4.0.0 and 3.4.4, both of them did not output the wasm file. Attached is the output in the terminal console for your reference: link text

Then I also tried 3.4.3 version, and this time I was able to get the opencv_js.wasm file together with opencv.js and opencv_js.js. But it seems that 3.4.3 version does not include features2d in the js binding.

Environment - OpenCV => 4.0.0 / 3.4.4 - Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04 - Compiler => Emscripten 1.38.20

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can you put your output HERE (even if it's long !), not on an external dropbox (where it will expire) ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-12-04 01:27:48 -0600 )edit

The whole output is around 10k lines.. so I think maybe it's better to put in a file. I put it on google drive so it won't expire.

ars0 gravatar imagears0 ( 2018-12-04 18:20:14 -0600 )edit

Exact same problem here, opencv.js and opencv_js.js are generated, but not the wasm file

davidstrahm gravatar imagedavidstrahm ( 2018-12-13 14:10:02 -0600 )edit

Exactly the same problem here. I've also tried to build the latest version and there were only 2 files in the build_wasm directory, opencv.js, and opencv_js.js and the build were completed with no errors. I've tried version 3.4.5 but same here. Then I tried 3.4.3 and yes, there was an opencv_js.wasm file together with opencv.js and opencv_js.js.

Lucy8 gravatar imageLucy8 ( 2019-01-23 06:14:28 -0600 )edit
MNEMONIC gravatar imageMNEMONIC ( 2019-02-23 14:58:16 -0600 )edit