Why do we need to compile opencv with cMake
I just got an internship and I was tasked to generate dll files from c++ class and function definitions that call to the opencv library. At first, I just wanted to follow the instructions to install opencv on windows and move on since I thought the task itself is pretty straightforward, but then I got hit with some serious looking error messages when I tried to "compile" c++ opencv (step 6.1 in this tutorial). Python opencv is just a bunch of shell commands away, but the c++ library is a nightmare especially that it involves working with visual studio which, on its own, is pain to get to work properly. I want to be able to debug the errors from the compiling phase and for that I need to know why the special treatment for the c++ library compared to the python one? Why do I need to compile opencv and why does it need to be done with cmake? Does pip install opencv-contrib-python also compile opencv behind the scene? Is that systematic for all libraries? I followed this tutorial but it teaches how to install opencv per project, so is that it? Does compiling allow you to add opencv globally?