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Add OpenCV to just one Extra Module

asked Oct 23 '18

cherault gravatar image


According to my project, I would like to build a specific package with OpenCV Core and an Extra Module (Bioinspired). The goal is to have just the necessary to work with, without spend a lot of HDD space and memory. In fact I would like to optimized the package in terms of HDD space and memory, because the final package will be installed on a small embedded computer (ie. Raspberry, Beaglebone, Intel Edisson,...).

So, could you help me to compile this specific package ? I don't know how to achieve this.

Thank you for your help and support.


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answered Oct 23 '18

berak gravatar image

updated Oct 23 '18

sure, that's possible. in general, you look at the cmakelists.txt of that module, and see, that you would minimally need:

opencv_bioinspired opencv_core

i'd also throw in:

opencv_highgui (for showing things ?) opencv_imgcodecs (to load images ?) opencv_imgproc (conversions ?)

then you can use a whitelist of explicitly needed opencv modules (w/o opencv_ prefix), which will override all other BUILD_opencv_xxx settings:

cmake -DBUILD_LIST="core,bioinspired,imgproc"

alternatively, if you want ALL of the opencv main repo, but ONLY the bioinspired module from contrib, you can point:

cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/your/opencv_contrib/modules/bioinspired
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Asked: Oct 23 '18

Seen: 1,355 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '18